
Insight Game
Insight Game is a fast but accurate method of achieving a similar result to the full Myers Briggs Instrument in understanding Type Preference. It is a “solitaire” board game which helps the participant understand how they live in the world, how they make their decisions, take in information, and get their energy. It also helps the participant to appreciate the preference of others and build more meaningful relationships.
The Insight Game is non-threatening as it treats people as adults participating actively in their own.
Its all about preference:
There are two opposite preferences for each of the four scales reported by the Insight Game. It is important to note that all of us use both of the opposite preferences. We normally prefer to use one it feels more comfortable.
If you want more in depth information then purchase the insight reporting system along with the insight game.

Insight Reporting System
The Insight Reporting System provides comprehensive profiles for all types on CD. This report describes both strengths and potential development opportunities for the user and used in conjunction with the Insight Board Game can be a very useful tool in gaining insights for personal growth.
The Insight report contains an introduction to the basic ideas of type and temperament theory, followed by a comprehensive profile averaging over 12 pages in length.You can customise reports for clients, just add your name or your organisation’s name to the title page or to individual report pages. You can also add personal comments to profiles as you wish using Microsoft Word.
The Insight report contains an introduction to the basic ideas of type and temperament theory, followed by a comprehensive profile averaging over 12 pages in length.
Supplemental temperament-based reports profile:
- Loving relationship style
- Loving relationship combinations
- Management style
- Employee style materials for conducting workshops, classes and seminars.

Insight Reporting System
This CD incorporates the Insight Game for Windows and complete reporting system into one convenient counselling and training tool.
* Complete package for determining type.
* Customised, comprehensive profiles in both long and short form.
Profiles can be edited in Microsoft Word – This enables you to tailor the program to suit your specific needs and can be personalised by inserting a person’s name throughout the profile where it might be considered appropriate or adding your organisation name or logo to the report.
Insight Board Game – $71.50 *
Insight Reporting System CD – $137.50 *
Insight Professional Edition – $385.00 *
Type Temperament Training Guide CD – $495.00 *
* Please note:
– All prices are GST inclusive.
– Delivery costs are NOT included.
– Please contact us for discounts on orders of 10+
– We will contact you for payment details.