See below for answers to our frequently asked questions. If you are unable to find an answer to your question. please contact us.
About Australis College & our courses
How do I know Australis College programs are good quality?
Are the courses recognised and accredited nationally?
What are the practical requirements for programs?
What course delivery options are available?
What is the minimum timeframe?
How quickly could I do a course?
Support & getting the most from your course
What learning resources are available?
Do I have an option to “try” a course first?
What options do I have if I do not want to continue with my program?
Payment options & information
What payment options are available to me?
What is VET Student Loans?
What if I am not eligible for VET Student Loans?
Online Skills Assessment & LLN
What is LLN?
Why do I need to complete a Skills Assessment (LLN)?
Why do I need to do this test?
What if I already have a higher qualification?
What if I have completed other LLN tests?
Do I have to do this Skills Assessment with other VET Student Loans Assistance Training providers?
Is there a cost to do a Skills Assessment with Australis College?
What is involved?
Hints and Tips!
What happens when you have completed the Skills Assessment?
What level do I have to reach?
What happens if I do not reach the required level?
What happens if I want to change to another provider or course?
Where can I find out more?
Is there a way to get a copy of my Senior Secondary Certificate of Education?